라벨이 삶과죽음인 게시물 표시

미 비포 유(2016)

미 비포 유 Me Before You, 2016 멜로/로맨스 미국 110분 2016 .06.01  개봉 테아 샤록 에밀리아 클라크 (루이자),  샘 클라플린 (윌 I don't want to go in yet.  I just want to be a man who's been to a concert with a girl in a red dress. You are scored on my heart, Clark. You were from the first day you walked in, with your ridiculous clothes and your bad jokes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt. You make me into someone I couldn't even imagine. You make me happy, even when you're awful, I would rather be with you-even the you that you seem to think is diminished-than with anyone else in the world. I have become a whole new person because of you. I though, briefly that I would never feel as intensely connected to the world, to another human being as I did at that moment. Live boldly. Push yourself. Don't settle. Just live well. Just LIVE. = 존엄사를 너무 가볍게 다룬 것은 아닌가 하는 생각이 들었다. 책이 원작인 영화를 애초에 완벽하게