라벨이 청춘영화인 게시물 표시


웜 바디스 Warm Bodies, 2013 코미디 ,  공포 ,  멜로/로맨스 미국 96분 2013 .03.14  개봉 조나단 레빈 니콜라스 홀트 (알(R)),  테레사 팔머 (줄리),  존 말코비치 ( What am I doing with my life? I'm so pale. I should get out more. I should eat better.  My posture is terrible. I should stand up straighter.  People would respect me more if I stood up straighter. What's wrong with me?  I just want to connect. Why can't I connect with people? Oh, right, it's because I'm dead. I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I mean, we're all dead.  This girl is dead. That guy is dead. That guy in the corner is definitely dead.  Jesus these guys look awful. I don't wanna be this way. I'm lonely. I'm totally lost.  I mean, I'm literally lost. I've never been in this part of the airport before.  What's with all the vinyl? Couldn't figure out how to work an iPod? Better.. sound... Oh, you're a purist, huh? More... alive. Yep, t