라벨이 편견인 게시물 표시

셰이프 오브 워터: 사랑의 모양 (2017)

셰이프 오브 워터: 사랑의 모양 The Shape of Water (2017) Writers:   Guillermo del Toro  (screenplay by),  Vanessa Taylor  (screenplay by)  Stars:   Sally Hawkins ,  Octavia Spencer ,  Michael Shannon If I spoke about it - if I did - what would I tell you? I wonder. Would I tell you about the time? It happened a long time ago, it seems. In the last days of a fair prince's reign. Or would I tell you about the place? A small city near the coast, but far from everything else. Or, I don't know... Would I tell you about her? The princess without voice. Or perhaps I would just warn you, about the truth of these facts. And the tale of love and loss. And the monster, who tried to destroy it all. You may think, "That thing looks human." Stands on two legs, right? But - we're created in the Lord's image. You don't think that's what the Lord looks like, do you? When he looks at me, the way he looks at me... He does not know, what I

주토피아 (2016)

주토피아 Zootopia, 2016 바이론 하워드 ,  리치 무어 지니퍼 굿윈 (주디 홉스 목소리),  제이슨 베이트먼 (닉 와일드 목소리) Zootopia is a unique place. It's a crazy, beautiful, diverse city, where we celebrate our differences. This is not the Zootopia I know. The Zootopia I know is better than this. We don't just blindly assign blame. We don't know why these attacks keep happening. But it is irresponsible to label all the predators as savages. We cannot let fear divide us. Please, give me back the Zootopia I love. I thought this city would be a perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out, life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of animal you are, I implore